
shuttle rsのテンプレート一覧








cargo shuttle init --create-env

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Clerk authentication — Fullstack Rust+React with auth provider logic (clerk)

Cookie Authentication — Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (actix-web)

Custom Tracing Subscriber — How to use a custom tracing-subscriber on Shuttle (actix-web)

File server — Hello World page that serves static HTML and JS files (actix-web)

File server — Hello World page that serves static HTML files (rocket)

File server — Hello World static file server with tower-http (axum)

Fullstack SaaS — Opinionated fullstack web app with pre-made routes and assets (nextjs)

HTMX — Simple CRUD app using HTMX and Askama (htmx)

Handlebars dynamic templates — HTML templating with Handlebars (rocket)

Image Rescaler — Use the image library to rescale the Shuttle logo (salvo)

JWT authentication — Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (rocket)

JWT authentication — Use JWT to authenticate API endpoints (axum)

MongoDB — Todo List with a MongoDB database (mongodb)

OAuth authentication — Use Google OAuth to authenticate API endpoints (axum)

OpenDAL in-memory store — A key-value store using OpenDAL (opendal)

Postgres — Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)

Postgres — Todo list Discord bot with a Postgres database (serenity)

Postgres — Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)

Postgres — Todo list with a Postgres database (postgres)

Qdrant — Connecting to Qdrant cloud with shuttle-qdrant (qdrant)

Request Scheduler — Schedule requests with a cron schedule (axum)

Shuttle custom Cron service — Schedule tasks on a cron schedule with apalis (axum)

Turso — Connect to a Turso DB with shuttle-turso (turso)

URL shortener — Save long URLs behind a short one, with Postgres storage (rocket)

Weather Bot — Weather forecast Discord bot using the Accuweather API (serenity)

Websockets — Health monitoring service using websockets (actix-web)

Websockets Actorless — Health monitoring service using websockets (axum)


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